The time is now for ending child hunger in Delaware. Join the movement for universal free school meals.

Let your voice be Heard

Tell Your Legislators It's Time For Kids to Eat Free

Sign this petition to let your legislators know that it's time to ensure every student in Delaware has access to nutritious meals.

It's Time To

Provide Every Delaware Student Free Breakfast And Lunch

Join us in nourishing young minds and bodies by supporting HB 125 which would ensure universal free breakfast and lunch for Delaware's K-12 students. Together we can eliminate hunger as a barrier to learning and empower our children to thrive in school and in our communities.

The Case

Make Food Accessible to Every Delaware Student

Join us in our campaign to provide universal free breakfast and lunch in schools! Our mission is to ensure that every child has access to the nutritious meals they need to thrive, regardless of their economic status.
By providing free breakfast and lunch to all students, we can help promote health and well-being, improve academic performance, and address social inequities. Children who receive regular, nutritious meals are more likely to maintain a healthy weight, have better overall health outcomes, and experience fewer instances of hunger and food insecurity. Additionally, hunger and malnutrition can have a significant negative impact on cognitive function, making it harder for children to concentrate, retain information, and perform well academically.
Our campaign aims to ensure that all children have equal access to the nutrition they need to learn, grow, and succeed in the classroom and in their communities. By providing free meals to all students, we can help address the social inequalities that arise from food insecurity and ensure that no child goes hungry. Moreover, providing universal free breakfast and lunch can help reduce the stigma associated with receiving free or reduced-price meals, as all students receive the same nutritious meals.Join us in advocating for universal free breakfast and lunch in schools and help ensure that every child has access to the nutritious meals they need to thrive.

We Appreciate the Support

Thank you!

Stay tuned for future communications from the campaign.


Light Lift

Sign a petition that will go to your legislators urging them to push last call back from 1 AM to 2 AM.


A Little More Effort

Call your legislator to show them that you are serious about making Delaware a home for Millennials.


Become a Changemaker

Really create change by recruiting others to our cause or visiting your legislator to really push the issue.

Get Involved

Join the Campaign

When the people work together we can affect change. Sign up below to join the movement to create a Delaware made for Millennials.

Get In Touch

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Use the form below to ask questions, share comments, or voice concerns.


On the Fence
